Sillage Database Wiki
Sillage Database Wiki
Album 1 - Fire and Ash
Album 2 - Private Collection

The Sillage series (commonly known as the Wake series in English-speaking countries) is a series of science fiction graphic novels in the Franco-Belgian format.

It tells the story of Nävis, a young human girl who crosses paths with Sillage (a.k.a. Wake), a vast convoy of starships from various backgrounds that travel through the Galaxy together, changing many a world's destiny on the way.

Main series[]

  1. Fire and Ash (1998)
  2. Private Collection (1999)
  3. Gearing Up (2000)
  4. The Sign of the Demons (2001)
  5. Sillage Wake nr 5 Alien language.svg (2002)
  6. Artifice (2003)
  7. Maximum (In)Security (2004)
  8. Human Nature (2005)
  9. Infiltration (2006)
  10. Return of Flames (2007)
  11. The Floating World (2008)
  12. Free Zone (2009)
  13. Skid Control (2010)
  14. Total Liquidation (2011)
  15. Private Hunt (2012)
  16. Bloodline (2013)
  17. Big Chill (2014)
  18. Psychoholocaust (2015)
  19. Time Out (2016)

External links[]

  • Wake on the English-language Wikipedia
  • Sillage on the French-language Wikipedia