The Sillage series (commonly known as the Wake series in English-speaking countries) is a series of science fiction graphic novels in the Franco-Belgian format.
It tells the story of Nävis, a young human girl who crosses paths with Sillage (a.k.a. Wake), a vast convoy of starships from various backgrounds that travel through the Galaxy together, changing many a world's destiny on the way.
Main series[]
- Fire and Ash (1998)
- Private Collection (1999)
- Gearing Up (2000)
- The Sign of the Demons (2001)
- (2002)
- Artifice (2003)
- Maximum (In)Security (2004)
- Human Nature (2005)
- Infiltration (2006)
- Return of Flames (2007)
- The Floating World (2008)
- Free Zone (2009)
- Skid Control (2010)
- Total Liquidation (2011)
- Private Hunt (2012)
- Bloodline (2013)
- Big Chill (2014)
- Psychoholocaust (2015)
- Time Out (2016)
External links[]
- Sillage on TV Tropes